
Instant Pot® Duo Nova 8-quart Multi-Use Pressure Cooker

Instant Pot® Duo Nova 8-quart Multi-Use Pressure Cooker

Instant Pot® Duo Nova 8-quart Multi-Use Pressure Cooker She has been reviewing small appliances, including blenders, juicers, and multi-cookers, for more than 8 years, and also upholsters furniture when she's not testing the latest food tech gadgets. All Instant Pots are pretty easy to use, but the Duo really takes it to the next level. Despite its simple design and intuitive processes, the device is absolutely packed with cooking features. If you want to spice up your meal times without adding any extra stress, then the Instant Pot Duo is perfect for you. One of the Instant Pot Duo’s biggest advantages is just how easy it is to use. instant pot duo nova Learn how we create the most in-depth and scientific tech reviews on our About page. Our experts test thousands of products each year using thoughtful test plans that bring out key performance differences between competing products. And, to assure complete independence, we buy all the products we test ourselves. Unfortunately, the lamp was damaged, but the company was incredibly responsive and refunded my money. I bought a different lamp from them previously, and everything went smoothly. This may sound nit-picky, but the styrofoam they use gets everywhere; best to open the boxes outside. If you’re a fan of the ‘set it and forget it’ style of cooking, the handy keep warm function means your food won’t go cold if you do actually forget about it. The delay start button allows you to postpone cooking for up to 24 hours, but be sure not to leave anything perishable in the pot if you’re using this function. It comes with a steam rack, but this is only really useful for larger foods, smaller vegetables will fall straight through the rack into the water below which is frustrating. With a familiar design, the Duo Nova is instantly recognizable as an Instant Pot and as we’ve said in previous reviews, multi-cookers are not the most attractive of the kitchen counter appliances. This success is no doubt down to the ease of use, quality of cooking, and affordability that Instant Pot manages to pack into their devices. If you’re new to Instant Pots, extra sealing rings are a must-have accessory and newer models are starting to come with two sealing rings instead of one. The new Duo Nova has an auto sealing lid as an added safety feature that’s available on the Ultra. Have you ever forgotten to flip the sealing knob to the closed position when starting to cook?
If you have some time, you can let the gadget release steam over the course of a few minutes. If you need to take a look at the food right way, you can opt for the quick release button which lets out the pressure and steam right away in a safe manner. Keep in mind that the Instant Pot Duo Nova 3-quart size doesn’t have the poultry or multigrain smart programs, while the other sizes do. If you only need a cooker for one or two or don't plan to meal prep, then the Instant Pot DUO Mini can save you some money with the same functions and performance, just a smaller quantity. If you want the best option with a good capacity, then the Instant Pot Duo Plus 6 Quart is a higher ranking option that offers the same cooking performance that is easier to use.