
Instant Pot Duo Nova review

Instant Pot Duo Nova review

Instant Pot Duo Nova review Now that we’ve given a brief overview of the key similarities and differences between the Instant Pot models, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of each one. If you’re still on the fence about which Instant Pot is for you, then this section will hopefully be a big help. In this section, we’re going to put our two Instant Pot models head to head across a wide range of categories. We used the Instant Pot Duo Nova for several recipes to try out its performance across different functions. First up, slow cooked chili, the sauté function comes in handy here, allowing you to brown your meat and soften onions in the Instant Pot instead of having to use a separate pan or stove top. Despite the pot not having a non-stick coating there was no sticking during the sauté stage. We slow cooked our beef chili for six hours on the ‘more’ setting and the result was a delicious meaty chili with soft beef. The Instant Pot beeps to alert you that cooking has finished and the temperature of the chili at the end of cooking was 176 F/ 80 C. Another thing that’s worth bearing in mind is the fact that the Duo Nova is a newer product than the Duo, and hasn’t yet been put under the same scrutiny. The device has a fraction of the customer reviews that the Duo has, so it’s not as clear how the pressure cooker has been performing. Each Instant Pot model combines multiple kitchen appliances into one, saving you counter and storage space. You also save money by using one appliance for multiple cooking methods. The biggest difference between the Instant Pot Duo and Duo Nova is the Duo Nova is the first Instant Pot model to be offered in a 10 quart option. If you frequently cook for larger groups of people or regularly batch cook for meal prep, take a closer look at at the 10 quart model. We just said that one of the benefits of the Duo is how easy it is to use, but now we’re saying that it’s not beginner-friendly – what gives? Well, in our opinion, most Instant Pot models have a pretty steep learning curve and it takes a while to get to grips with how they work. The Instant Pot Duo is packed with functionality to make your cooking sessions as straightforward as possible. The device has 13 customizable modes built-in, which can be set up to make a huge variety of dishes. You can save all of your favorite dishes, and have them ready to go whenever you want. This means you can get something that is the perfect size for you, rather than an Instant Pot that you never fill up. Tidying up after cooking can sometimes take as long as making the food itself. If you have a busy lifestyle, then this is yet another thing that you have to make time for during your day. An Instant Pot can save you a ton of time, and give you more chance to rest and relax. Before we get into our comparison, it’s probably best to take a look at what Instant Pot actually is. Although the term “instant pot” is often used in place of products such as “slow cooker” or “pressure cooker”, Instant Pot is also the name of one of the most popular worktop cooker brands. The Instant Pot Duo is one of the electric pressure cooker models made by Instant Brands.
It’s considered their “classic” model and is one of their earlier versions. One of the most difficult things to decide when buying an Instant Pot Duo Nova is which size you’ll need for your family. The 6-quart size is the most popular one and many recipes are written for this Instant Pot size as well. If you’re only cooking for 1-2 people, then opt for the smaller 3-quart size. If, on the other hand, you have a big family, love leftovers or enjoy entertaining, then going with the 8- or 10-quart size is a good idea. instant pot duo nova Steam management is key when it comes to the safety and efficacy of pressure cookers like Instant Pots. Even though the Instant Pot Duo doesn’t come in the larger 10 qt size like the Duo Nova, there are still 3 different sizes to choose from. This is particularly great when compared to instant pot pressure cookers from other brands, which often take a “one-size-fits-all” approach. These multi-cooking machines are a great way to downsize if you have several different appliances crowding your kitchen. For most people, the Instant Pot can easily replace the pressure cooker and slow cooker because it can do both those jobs. It’s also excellent for other things, like steaming, roasting and sautéing. Plus, there is such a variety of flavours in these recipes, so you are sure to find something for you. Most of these recipes are quick and easy ones made especially for busy weeknights. The final drawback of the Duo Nova is that it is not widely available. For many people, cooking can be an overwhelming, time-consuming, and generally unrewarding process. An Instant Pot can help you fall in love with cooking again, by ensuring your food is quick, easy, and most importantly, delicious. Even though the Duo Nova is more expensive, the price difference isn’t that stark. For many people, the extra features that the Duo Nova offers might well be worth the extra expense. However, this is a decision you’ll have to make for yourself by thinking about how you’ll use your Instant Pot, and which functions you really need. Let's help you find the right sizes kitchen appliances for your small kitchen so it can live up to its full potential.