
Instant Pot Duo Nova, 10-Quart

Instant Pot Duo Nova, 10-Quart

Instant Pot Duo Nova, 10-Quart Most pressure cooker models are available in similar sizes, and it is the additional features that set them apart. This 10 qt pressure cooker is absolutely ideal if you’re cooking for a large family or group. It’s really great to be able to chuck all your raw ingredients into the cooker, knowing that there’ll be plenty of food to go around when it’s done. Now it’s time to have a look at the main advantages of the Instant Pot Duo Nova. Again, this product isn’t much different from the Duo electric pressure cooker, but it has some key features that help it stand out from the crowd. An automatic seal makes an Instant Pot even easier to use and is considered to be the safer option when pressure cooking. Both the Instant Pot Duo and the Duo Nova are available in 3, 6, and 8 liquid quartz. Being able to choose from three different sizes is great and means you can get something that fits in your kitchen perfectly. This range of sizes isn’t typically offered by other pressure cooker brands.
On the other hand, stainless steel has a long and proven pedigree of being dishwasher safe and thus doesn't elicit the same debate. Instant Pot has come down firmly on the "stainless is better" side of the conversation, using stainless pots in all of their pressure cookers. The control panel makes navigating its multiple cooking features and settings quite easy. A dedicated button for each cooking presets make it easy to quickly dial in rice or soup settings. A large LCD clearly displays feedback if you want to cycle through some advanced features, such as adjusting the pressure level, programming in a delayed start, or adjusting the cooking time. instant pot duo nova Things generally came out a bit more moist and sticky rather than fluffy, but we generally enjoyed the texture. It also performed well in our meat cooking tests, successfully rendering a tough brisket cut into a tender and enjoyable feast. There’s no recipe book or thick manual of cooking times included in the box, you’ll need to find these on the website or app as well as experimenting to achieve the perfect result. Learn how we create the most in-depth and scientific tech reviews on our About page. Our experts test thousands of products each year using thoughtful test plans that bring out key performance differences between competing products. And, to assure complete independence, we buy all the products we test ourselves. Unfortunately, the lamp was damaged, but the company was incredibly responsive and refunded my money. I bought a different lamp from them previously, and everything went smoothly. This may sound nit-picky, but the styrofoam they use gets everywhere; best to open the boxes outside. If you have some time, you can let the gadget release steam over the course of a few minutes. If you need to take a look at the food right way, you can opt for the quick release button which lets out the pressure and steam right away in a safe manner. Keep in mind that the Instant Pot Duo Nova 3-quart size doesn’t have the poultry or multigrain smart programs, while the other sizes do. If you only need a cooker for one or two or don't plan to meal prep, then the Instant Pot DUO Mini can save you some money with the same functions and performance, just a smaller quantity. If you want the best option with a good capacity, then the Instant Pot Duo Plus 6 Quart is a higher ranking option that offers the same cooking performance that is easier to use. She has been reviewing small appliances, including blenders, juicers, and multi-cookers, for more than 8 years, and also upholsters furniture when she's not testing the latest food tech gadgets. All Instant Pots are pretty easy to use, but the Duo really takes it to the next level. Despite its simple design and intuitive processes, the device is absolutely packed with cooking features. If you want to spice up your meal times without adding any extra stress, then the Instant Pot Duo is perfect for you. One of the Instant Pot Duo’s biggest advantages is just how easy it is to use.